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<TITLE> Writing TkGoodStuff Clients </TITLE>
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<H1>Writing TkGoodStuff Clients </H1>
<H2>Table of Contents (this document) </H2>
<LI><A HREF="#general">General Information </A></LI>
<LI><A HREF="#interface">Basic Client Interface </A></LI>
<LI><A HREF="#combowindow">TKGButton</A> </LI>
<LI><A HREF="#tkgmakebutton">TKGMakeButton</A> </LI>
<LI><A HREF="#labelbox">TKGLabelBox </A></LI>
<LI><A HREF="#tkggrid">TKGGrid</A> </LI>
<LI><A HREF="#popup">Adding to the Popup Menu </A></LI>
<LI><A HREF="#periodic">TKGPeriodic </A></LI>
<LI><A HREF="#other">Other Utilities </A></LI>
<LI><A HREF="#tkgdialog">TKGDialog</A></LI>
<LI><A HREF="#tkgdeclare">TKGDeclare </A></LI>
<LI><A HREF="#setimage">SetImage </A></LI>
<LI><A HREF="#debug">DEBUG </A></LI>
<P><A NAME="general"></A></P>
<H2>General Information</H2>
<P>Clients are housed in files with the extension &quot;.tcl&quot;. They
might do anything at all, though what they in fact mainly do is to produce
buttons or displays and to run and to schedule tasks. Clients can be very
complex (like the Jots client, which is a notecard manager), or very simple.
<P>There is a commented example of a very simple button-producing client
called <A HREF="Example">&quot;Example&quot;</A> in the file tcl/Example.tcl
in the tkgoodstuff library directory. You might start with it. </P>
<P>This document is not as complete as it should be, but I think it's at
least mostly correct, and hopefully it's better than nothing. Still,
your best bet may be to look at the actual code for various clients.
<A NAME="interface"></A></P>
<H2>Basic Client Interface</H2>
<P>Let's assume you are writing a client named &quot;Foo&quot;. Your Foo.tcl
file is &quot;sourced&quot; by tkgoodstuff when it reads the configuration
file (or when Foo is added in the preferences manager). If you have defined
a procedure &quot;FooDoOnLoad&quot;, it is called then, as is &quot;FooDeclare&quot;,
if it exists (&quot;FooDeclare&quot; is called also when Foo is added in
the preferences manager). &quot;FooDeclare&quot; should contain all your
calls to TKGDeclare (for declaring preferences items). TKGDeclare is described
below. </P>
<P>When the panel is being drawn (or redrawn following, e.g., a screen-edge
move), the procedure &quot;FooCreateWindow&quot; is called if it exists.
Ordinarily &quot;FooCreateWindow&quot; will make a call to TKGMakeButton
or TKGLabelBox to produce a button or display window in the panel at the
appropriate place. After all panels have been drawn, the procedure &quot;FooStart&quot;,
if it exists, will be called. During a screenedge move, the procedure &quot;FooSuspend&quot;
will be called, if it exists, the client window will be ungridded, and
then when the panel is redrawn &quot;FooCreateWindow&quot; and &quot;FooStart&quot;
will be called. <A NAME="combowindow"></A></P>
<P>A &quot;tkgbutton&quot; is a button with either text, an icon, or both
on its face. This command can be used either to create a button (but see
TKGMakeButton) or to configure an existing button. If TKGButton is used
to create a button, the button is not placed in the tkgoodstuff panel until
TKGGrid is invoked. The syntax is as follows: </P>
<PRE>TKGButton name arguments
<P>The <B>name</B> is an arbitrary name for the window (containing only
characters suitable for variables). The other arguments are all optional
(most also take &quot;modified&quot; forms; see the &quot;-mode&quot; switch
for more about this): </P>
<LI><B>-pathname </B>pathname <BR>
This switch is used when creating the button (but see also TKGMakeButton,
which is the easier way to make a TKGButton for inclusion in the tkgoodstuff
panel). The value must be a tk pathname. </LI>
<LI><B>-image </B>tkimage <BR>
The value must be an already-created tk image. The button will display
the image. </LI>
<LI><B>-text </B>textstring <BR>
The button will display the text indicated. </LI>
<LI><B>-font </B>(standard font specifier) <BR>
The button will display text (if any) using this font. </LI>
<LI><B>-exec </B>command <BR>
The button, when pressed, will lauch the indicated unix command. Regular
Tcl substitution is performed on the command string at execution. </LI>
<LI><B>-command </B>command <BR>
The button, when pressed, will perform the indicated tcl command. Regular
Tcl substitution is performed on the command string at execution. </LI>
<LI><B>-menu </B>menu <BR>
The button will be a tkgmenubutton, and produce the indicated menu. No
&quot;exec&quot; or &quot;command&quot; will be performed. </LI>
<LI><B>-iconside </B>left, right, top, bottom, or background <BR>
This sets the side of the button taken by the icon, when your button has
both an icon and text (&quot;top&quot; by default). If &quot;background&quot;,
then the text is written over the icon. </LI>
<LI><B>-staydown</B> 1 or 0 <BR>
If 1 (which is the default), the button will stay down and inoperative
after you press it until the launched unix command terminates. This is
so you can see that you're already running that command. If 0, the button
pops back up after launching the command, ready to launch the command again.
<LI><B>-usebutton2</B> 1 or 0 <BR>
If 1 (which is the default), mouse button 2 will execute the button's unix
command, if any, whether the button is up or down, and whether or not the
unix command is already running. </LI>
<LI><B>-windowname</B> name <BR>
This affects what happens when you press an already-depressed unix command
button <B>if</B> you are running tkgoodstuff as an fvwm module. By default
you move to the next window that is named by the name of the unix command
of the button. But this switch allows you to look for an alternative window
name (for instance, the program tkman names its window &quot;TkMan&quot;,
netscape &quot;Netscape&quot; and so on). </LI>
<LI><B>-font</B> font <BR>
The font to use for text on the button </LI>
<LI><B>-ignore</B> 1 or 0 <BR>
If 1 (0 is the default), we will ignore the global iconsonly and labelsonly
variables. </LI>
<LI><B>-state </B>active or normal <BR>
The button goes into the active state automatically when the mouse pointer
enters, and into the normal state when it leaves. The state affects the
button's colors (see also the &quot;mode&quot; switch). This is useful
to call manually primarily when you pack a child window in a button (as
in the Load client) and want to set its colors. </LI>
<LI><B>-foreground</B> color <BR>
<B>-background</B> color <BR>
<B>-activeforeground</B> color <BR>
<B>-activebackground</B> color <BR>
These set the colors for the button. </LI>
<LI><B>-padding </B>(any number) <BR>
The number of pixels of empty space to put around icons and labels in buttons.
<LI><B>-mode </B>mode <BR>
Switches the button to the indicated mode. Each mode for a button is associated
with values for text, image, exec, command, font, staydown, windowname,
and four colors: foreground, background, activeforeground, and activebackground.
Switching modes is the way to change a button's appearance and/or function
dramatically with a simple command. By default a button is in the &quot;normal&quot;
mode. For instance, Biff defines &quot;nomail&quot; and &quot;newmail&quot;
modes, and Net defines &quot;netup&quot;, &quot;netdn&quot;, and &quot;netwt&quot;
modes. </LI>
<P>To set values for a mode, use modified switches like the following:
<PRE> TKGButton Talk -foreground(notalk) red \
-exec(notalk) {mesg y}
<P>(Unmodified switches set the values for the current mode.) The parameters
of the button are stored in a global array. If the <B>name</B> is &quot;BarBar&quot;,
the pathname of the created window will be stored in the global variable
<B>BarBar-params(window)</B>, the current mode in <B>BarBar-params(mode)</B>.
Mode-sensitive parameters are stored as follows: e.g., the text is stored
in <B>BarBar-params(text,normal)</B> (supposing the button is in the normal
mode, as it is by default). (In fact this is the &quot;textvariable&quot;
for the button; setting it changes the button text directly.) There are
no &quot;unmodified&quot; parameters for mode-sensitive parameters. For
instance <B>BarBar-params(text)</B> does not exist. </P>
<P>TKGButton is a wrapper around the widget commands &quot;tkgbutton&quot;
and &quot;tkgmenubutton&quot;(part of libtkg). <A NAME="tkgmakebutton"></A></P>
<PRE>TKGMakeButton name . . .
<P>Creates the indicated button, assigns it an approriate pathname, and
packs it into the tkgoodstuff panel (at the position appropriate to the
current stacking context). If the name is &quot;Foo&quot;, the pathname
is stored in the variable Foo-params(pathname). Takes the same arguments
as TKGButton (which it calls, in fact), except that it is silly to give
a &quot;-pathname&quot; switch to TKGMakeButton. <A NAME="labelbox"></A></P>
<P>Creates a &quot;label box&quot; is a window with text on its face. The
arguments are as follows: </P>
<PRE>TKGLabelBox name [-label &quot;label text&quot;]
<P>(The square braces indicate that the argument is optional. If no label
text is supplied, you get an empty frame, which is what Clock and Load
use.) </P>
<P>The <B>name</B> is an arbitrary name for the window (containing only
characters suitable for variables). If the <B>name</B> is &quot;BarBar&quot;,
the pathname of the created window will be stored in the global variable
<B>BarBar_window</B>. </P>
<P>The <B>text</B> is a text string that will be displayed in the window.
The window containing (just) this text has the pathname <B>BarBar_window.label.msg</B>.
The textvariable for the label is <B>BarBar-lbparams(text)</B> <A NAME="tkggrid"></A></P>
<PRE>TKGGrid pathname
<P>Packs the indicated window into the current tkgoodstuff panel (at the
position appropriate to the current stacking context). <A NAME="popup"></A></P>
<H3>Adding to the Popup Menu</H3>
<P>Two commands are provided for adding to the popup menu: </P>
<P>adds a cascade menu entry in the main popup menu. It is invoked as follows:
<PRE>TKGPopupAddClient clientname</PRE>
<P>Suppose your <B>clientname</B> is FooBar. Then, this command generates
a cascade menu entry labelled &quot;FOOBAR:&quot;, and a corresponding
(empty) menu with the pathname .tkgpopup.foobar, which is the menu to which
you should add items in your client code. </P>
<P>adds an item to the main popup menu at the end of the client-added section.
The arguments are any arguments that would come after &quot;.menuname add&quot;
in a normal addition of an item to a menu.
<A NAME="periodic"></A></P>
<P>You can schedule a Tcl command for periodic execution as follows: </P>
<PRE>TKGPeriodic name period offset command</PRE>
<LI>The name is an arbitrary name. </LI>
<LI>The period is the interval (in seconds) between executions of the periodic
command. </LI>
<LI>The offset is the delay (in seconds) between invocation of the TKGPeriodic_command
and the first execution of this periodic command. </LI>
<LI>The command is the command to execute at theat interval after that
<P>You should try not to do anything periodically in this way that will
take a lot of time to finish processing (e.g., don't have a periodically-called
procedure wait for something before returning), since this will screw up
the user interface responsiveness and other periodic processes. If you
have to do something time-consuming, you should exec a shell script in
the background with bgexec (see the BLT documentation) and trace the bgexec
variable to get its output (for an example see Ical_fetch in Ical.tcl).
<P>To cancel a scheduled periodic command, use: </P>
<PRE>TKGPeriodicCancel name</PRE>
<P>This will cancel any command that was scheduled by the same name with
TKGPeriodic. <A NAME="other"></A></P>
<H2>Other Utilities </H2>
<P><A NAME="tkgdialog"></A></P>
<H3>TKGDialog </H3>
<PRE>TKGDialog name [ -wmtitle string ] [ -title string ] \
[-image imagefilename] [-message string] [-text string] \
[-titlebg color] [-titlefg color] [-bitmapfg color] \
[-buttons buttonlist] [-nodismiss]</PRE>
<P>All the options in brackets are optional. This command pops up a dialog
box with pathname &quot;.<B>name</B>&quot;. The <B>-wmtitle</B> string
is what will be put in the window manager title bar. The <B>-title</B>
string is put in the dialog box title frame (up top, in a large font).
The icon from the file named by the <B>-imagefilename</B> identifier is
also put in the title frame. The <B>-message</B> string is put in a framed
message widget under the title frame, if any. The <B>-text</B> widget is
put in a scrollable text widget under the title frame, if any (and message
frame, if any). The color options are as follows: <B>-titlebg</B> is the
background of the title frame; <B>-titlefg</B> is the foreground of the
title string; and <B>-bitmapfg</B> is the foreground color of the icon
(if it is a bitmap; otherwise this switch does nothing). The button list
is a list of button items, where a button item is a list of three items:
a (lowercase) name for the button (the button's pathname will be &quot;.<B>name</B>.buttons.<B>buttonname</B>&quot;),
a string of text to put on the button, and the command that the button
will execute when pressed (usually this should include &quot;destroy .<B>name</B>&quot;).
Unless you include the argument &quot;<B>-nodismiss</B>&quot;, there will
also be a button labelled &quot;Dismiss&quot; which destroys the dialog.
The buttons are placed at the bottom of the dialog, left to right in the
order of your list, with the default &quot;Dismiss&quot; button at the
right. <A NAME="tkgnotice"></A></P>
<H3>TKGNotice </H3>
<PRE>TKGNotice &quot;Notice text.&quot;</PRE>
<P>Posts a simple notice dialog with a dismiss button. <A NAME="tkgerror"></A></P>
<H3>TKGError </H3>
<PRE>TKGError &quot;Error text.&quot; ?exit?</PRE>
<P>Posts an error dialog with a dismiss button, a stack-trace button, and
a preferences manager button. If &quot;exit&quot; is present, tkgoodstuff
will be suspended and will exit when dismissed. <A NAME="colorconfig"></A></P>
<H3>ColorConfig </H3>
<PRE>ColorConfig pathname foregroundcolor backgroundcolor</PRE>
<P>This command sets the foreground and background colors of the window
whose pathname you indicate, as well as the colors of its descendants,
to the colors you name. Using &quot;-&quot; in place of the name of a color
leaves that feature unchanged. <A NAME="recursivebind"></A></P>
<H3>RecursiveBind </H3>
<PRE>RecursiveBind pathname sequence command</PRE>
<P>This command binds the sequence to the indicated command in the window
whose pathname you indicate as well as in all of its descendants. <A NAME="tkgdeclare"></A></P>
<H3>TKGDeclare </H3>
<PRE>TKGDeclare variable value [-typelist {type1 type2 ...}] \
[-vartype boolean/radio/optionMenu/text/entry] \
[-textsize WxH] \
[-radiolist {{&quot;Label 1&quot; value1} {&quot;Label 2&quot; value2} ...}\
[-optionlist {value1 value2 ...}]\
[-label &quot;Preferences Manager Label text&quot;] \
[-help &quot;Preferences Manager Help text&quot;]
<P>This command sets the indicated variable to <B>value</B> unless the
variable already has a value (due, e.g., to the user's preferences settings),
in which case that value is retained. (This is how a client should set
those of its global variable that you want users to be able to set in the
preferences manager.) The other switches govern how the variable is treated
in the preferences manager. <A NAME="setimage"></A></P>
<H3>SetImage </H3>
<PRE>SetImage name filname</PRE>
<P>This command creates an image named <B>name</B>, reading it from the
file <B>filename</B>, and returns the image type (e.g., &quot;bitmap&quot;,
&quot;photo&quot;). <A NAME="debug"></A></P>
<H3>DEBUG </H3>
<PRE>DEBUG string</PRE>
<P>This command writes the string to the internal log, and, if TKGLogging
is 1, also to the log file. </P>