
592 lines
17 KiB
Executable File

# Watch (file-checking, viewing) Client Tcl code for tkgoodstuff
proc WatchDeclare {} {
set Prefs_taborder(:Clients,Watch) "FileList Files Button Misc MH"
set Prefs_taborder(:Clients,Watch,Button) "Misc Icons Colors Fvwm"
TKGDeclare Watch(filelist) {} \
-vartype watch -nolabel 1 -nodefault 1\
-typelist [list Clients Watch FileList]
TKGDeclare Watch(width) {120} \
-typelist [list Clients Watch Misc]\
-label "Width of viewer window (characters)."
TKGDeclare Watch(height) {20} \
-typelist [list Clients Watch Misc]\
-label "Height of viewer window (lines)."
TKGDeclare Watch(mheight) {10} \
-typelist [list Clients Watch Misc]\
-label "Height of viewer window (lines) when viewing multiple files."
TKGDeclare Watch(viewfont) {} \
-vartype font\
-typelist [list Clients Watch Misc]\
-label "Font in viewer"
TKGDeclare Watch(viewer) {} \
-typelist [list Clients Watch Misc]\
-label "Command to launch viewer (if not using tkgoodstuff's viewer)"
ConfigDeclare Watch ClientButton1 Watch [list Clients Watch Button]
ConfigDeclare Watch ClientButton2 Watch [list Clients Watch Button]
ConfigDeclare Watch ClientButton5 Watch [list Clients Watch Button]
TKGDeclare Watch(menufont) ""\
-vartype font\
-typelist [list Clients Watch Misc]\
-label "Font for menu of files (when multiple files are used)"
TKGDeclare Watch(tearoff) 0\
-typelist [list Clients Watch Misc]\
-vartype boolean\
-label "Menu of files can be torn-off (when multiple files are used)"
TKGDeclare Watch(usemenu) 0\
-typelist [list Clients Watch Misc]\
-vartype boolean\
-label "Instead of usual button, include menu of files on panel"
TKGDeclare Watch(unchanged_image) {%watchunchanged}\
-typelist [list Clients Watch Button Icons]\
-label "Icon for no change"
set Watch(alertlevels) {white green yellow red}
foreach level $Watch(alertlevels) {
TKGDeclare Watch($level,image) "%watch$level"\
-typelist [list Clients Watch Button Icons]\
-label "Icon for change: $level alert"
TKGColorDeclare Watch(changedforeground) {#7fff00} \
[list Clients Watch Button Colors] \
"Button foreground: file changed"
TKGColorDeclare Watch(changedbackground) {} \
[list Clients Watch Button Colors] \
"Button background: file changed" \
TKGColorDeclare Watch(unchangedforeground) {} \
[list Clients Watch Button Colors] \
"Button foreground: file unchanged" \
TKGColorDeclare Watch(unchangedbackground) {}\
[list Clients Watch Button Colors] \
"Button background: file unchanged" \
proc WatchUpdate {f} {
global Watch TKG Watch_changed
TKGPeriodicCancel WatchUpdate$f
# When a monitoring window is open we slowly increase delay
if {[incr Watch($f,delay) 1] > $Watch($f,update_interval)} {
set Watch($f,delay) $Watch($f,update_interval)
switch [WatchatimeTest $f] {
nochange {
TKGPeriodic WatchUpdate$f \
$Watch($f,delay) $Watch($f,delay) "WatchUpdate $f"
} 1 {
set Watch_changed($f) 1
set changed 1
Watch3MenuConfig $f 1
if {$Watch($f,tailing) || $Watch($f,multitailing)} {
WatchTailGet $f
WatchTailColorize $f 1
set Watch($f,delay) 1
} elseif {$Watch($f,show) && !$TKG(nonotices)} {
WatchDoShow $f
} 0 {
catch {unset Watch_changed($f)}
Watch3MenuConfig $f 0
WatchTailColorize $f
if [info exists changed] {WatchChangedStuff $f}
TKGPeriodic WatchUpdate$f \
$Watch($f,delay) $Watch($f,delay) "WatchUpdate $f"
proc WatchSetAlert {} {
global Watch Watch_changed Watch-params
if $Watch(usemenu) return
foreach level $Watch(alertlevels) {
foreach mb [array names Watch_changed] {
if {$Watch($mb,alertlevel) == $level} {
set highest $level
if [info exists highest] {
if ![In [image names] Watch_$highest] {
SetImage Watch_$highest $Watch($highest,image)
set Watch-params(image,changed) Watch_$highest
TKGButton Watch -mode changed
} else {
if {[set Watch-params(mode)] != "unchanged" } {
TKGButton Watch -mode unchanged
proc WatchChangedStuff {f} {
global TKG Watch
if { ! ( $Watch($f,nobeep) || $TKG(nobeep) ) } {
# percent, pitch, duration
TKGBell \
1 \
[expr 2.0 + (.2*[lsearch $Watch(alertlevels) $Watch($f,alertlevel)])]\
if ![Empty $Watch($f,changedevent)] {
eval exec $Watch($f,changedevent) &
proc WatchIgnore {} {
global Watch
foreach f $Watch(files) {
WatchIgnoreFolder $f
TKGButton Watch -mode unchanged
proc WatchIgnoreFolder {f} {
global Watch Watch_changed
WatchatimeIgnore $f
catch {unset Watch_changed($f)}
if [winfo exists .watch3menu] {
Watch3MenuConfig $f 0
WatchTailColorize $f
proc Watch_1 {} {
global Watch Watch-params
foreach f $Watch(files) {
WatchUpdate $f
switch [llength $Watch(files)] {
0 {
TKGNotice "No files are being watched."
} 1 {
WatchDoShow [lindex $Watch(files) 0]
} default {
proc Watch_3 {x y} {
global Watch Watch-params
if {[llength $Watch(files)] < 2} {
} else {
foreach f $Watch(files) {
WatchUpdate $f
[set Watch-params(pathname)] configure -state normal
eval tk_popup .watch3menu [TKGPopupLocate .watch3menu $x $y]
raise .watch3menu
focus .watch3menu
proc Watch3MenuConfig {f new} {
if ![winfo exists .watch3menu] return
global Watch
if $new {
.watch3menu entryconfigure \
[expr [lsearch $Watch(files) $f] + \
($Watch(tearoff) && ! $Watch(usemenu))]\
-foreground $Watch(changedforeground) \
-activeforeground $Watch(changedforeground) \
-background $Watch(changedbackground) \
-activebackground $Watch(changedbackground)
} else {
.watch3menu entryconfigure \
[expr [lsearch $Watch(files) $f] + \
($Watch(tearoff) && ! $Watch(usemenu))]\
-foreground $Watch(unchangedforeground) \
-activeforeground $Watch(unchangedforeground)\
-background $Watch(unchangedbackground) \
-activebackground $Watch(unchangedbackground)
proc WatchExecViewer {} {
global Watch
if !$Watch(usemenu) {
TKGbuttonInvoke [set Watch-params(pathname)]
} else {
exec $Watch(viewer) &
proc WatchDoShow {{f {}}} {
global Watch TKG Watch-params
# Showing multiple files?
if {[Empty $f]} {
set multi 1
set wmtitle "Watching files"
set title "tkgoodstuff Watch"
set stopproc WatchMultiTailStop
set showfolders {}
foreach folder $Watch(files) {
if $Watch($folder,include) {
lappend showfolders $folder
set showfolders
set heightdim mheight
set ww watch_multi_show
set Watch(flaggedfolder) ""
} else {
# No; user prefers own lister?
if {![Empty $Watch($f,show_instead)]} {
regsub -all -nocase @file@ $Watch($f,show_instead) \
[TKGDecode $f] cmd
if {[string match "Tcl *" $cmd]} {
after 0 [list eval [string range $cmd 4 end]]
} else {
eval exec $cmd &
} else {
set multi 0
set showfolders $f
set wmtitle "[TKGDecode $f] (Watching)"
set title "tkgoodstuff Watch: [TKGDecode $f]"
set stopproc WatchTailStop
set heightdim height
set ww watch_show_$f
if {[Empty $Watch(viewfont)]} {
set Watch(viewfont) tkgfixedbig
TKGDialog $ww \
-image file \
-wmtitle $wmtitle \
-title $title \
-nodismiss \
-nodeiconify \
-buttons [list \
[list rescan Rescan \
"WatchDoShow $f"\
[list dismiss Dismiss \
"$stopproc $f; destroy .$ww"\
wm protocol .$ww WM_DELETE_WINDOW "$stopproc $f; destroy .$ww"
set view .$ww.view
grid [frame $view -bd 0 -highlightthickness 0]\
-row 5 -column 0 -sticky nsew
grid columnconfigure $view 0 -weight 1
foreach folder $showfolders {
grid rowconfigure $view [lindex [grid size $view] 1]\
-weight 1
set w $view.w$folder
frame $w -relief raised -bd 1 -highlightthickness 0
grid columnconfigure $w 0 -weight 1
grid rowconfigure $w 1 -weight 1
text $w.text \
-font $Watch(viewfont)\
-width $TKG(dialogtextwidth) -height $TKG(dialogtextheight) \
-takefocus 0 -yscrollcommand "$w.scrollbar set" \
-relief sunken -borderwidth 2 -state disabled
grid $w.text -row 1 -column 0 -padx 5 -pady 0 -sticky nsew
scrollbar $w.scrollbar -command "$w.text yview"
grid $w.scrollbar -row 1 -column 1 -sticky nsew -padx 5 -pady 0
grid $w -sticky nsew
$w.text configure -state disabled
$w.text configure -width $Watch(width)
$w.text configure -height $Watch($heightdim)
if {!$multi} {
set Watch($folder,tailw) $w
set Watch($folder,tailing) 1
} else {
grid [label $w.label -text [TKGDecode $folder] \
-font tkghugebold -anchor w] \
-row 0 -sticky nsw -pady 0
bind $w.label <2> "WatchIgnoreFolder $folder"
TKGBalloonBind $w.label "Click with button 2 to reset."
set Watch($folder,multiw) $w
set Watch($folder,multitailing) 1
set Watch($folder,delay) 1
after 0 "
WatchUpdate $folder
WatchTailGet $folder
WatchTailColorize $folder
TKGCenter .$ww
proc WatchTailGet {f} {
global Watch Watch_changed
if {[catch {
set text \
[exec tail -$Watch($f,numlines) $Watch($f,filename)]
set Watch($f,atime) [file atime $Watch($f,filename)]
}]} {
set text " (((Error reading $Watch($f,filename).)))"
foreach var "Watch($f,tailw) Watch($f,multiw)" {
if {[info exists $var]
&& [winfo exists [set w [set $var].text]]} {
$w configure -state normal
$w delete 1.0 end
$w insert end $text
$w see end
$w configure -state disabled
proc WatchTailStop {f} {
global Watch
set Watch($f,tailing) 0
set Watch($f,delay) $Watch($f,update_interval)
proc WatchMultiTailStop {} {
global Watch
foreach f $Watch(files) {
set Watch($f,multitailing) 0
proc WatchTailColorize {f {flag 0}} {
global Watch Watch_changed
if {[info exists Watch($f,multiw)] &&
[winfo exists $Watch($f,multiw)]} {
set titlelabel $Watch($f,multiw).label
if {[info exists Watch_changed($f)]} {
$titlelabel configure \
-foreground $Watch($f,alertlevel)
} else {
$titlelabel configure \
-foreground black
if $flag {
if {![Empty [set ff $Watch(flaggedfolder)]]} {
$Watch($ff,multiw).label configure -text [TKGDecode $ff]
$Watch($f,multiw).label configure -text \
"[TKGDecode $f] (most recently changed)"
set Watch(flaggedfolder) $f
proc WatchCreateWindow {} {
if [TKGReGrid Watch] return
global Watch Watch-params TKG_labels TKG
if {[string first ~ $Watch(filelist)] != -1 } {
regsub -all ~ $Watch(files) [glob ~] Watch(filelist)
set Watch(files) ""
foreach f $Watch(filelist) {
lappend Watch(files) [TKGEncode [lindex $f 1]]
# Create menu first, since we might be using it instead of button
if {[llength $Watch(files)] > 1} {
if {[Empty $Watch(menufont)]} {
set menufont tkgmedium
} else {
set menufont $Watch(menufont)
if {$Watch(usemenu)} {set type tearoff}
menu .watch3menu -tearoff [expr $Watch(tearoff) && !$Watch(usemenu)]\
-background $TKG(buttonbackground)\
-activebackground $TKG(butactivebackground)\
-font $menufont
set Watch(maxnamelen) 0
foreach f $Watch(files) {
if {[string length $f] > $Watch(maxnamelen)} {
set Watch(maxnamelen) [string length $f]
foreach f $Watch(files) {
.watch3menu add command \
-label [TKGDecode $f]\
-command "WatchDoShow $f"
if $Watch(usemenu) {
.watch3menu post 400 400
set w [winfo reqwidth .watch3menu]
set h [winfo reqheight .watch3menu]
TKGMakeSwallow Watch -width $w -height $h\
-exec "Tcl " -windowname watch3menu -borderwidth 0
bind .watch3menu <ButtonRelease-2> {
WatchIgnoreFolder [lindex $Watch(files) [.watch3menu index active]]
bind .watch3menu <ButtonRelease-3> {break}
bind .watch3menu <ButtonRelease-1> {
if {![string match none [.watch3menu index active]]} {
.watch3menu invoke active
grab release .watch3menu
if {$Watch(noicon) && !$Watch(nolabel)} {
set noicon ""
set newicon ""
} else {
SetImage Watch_unchanged_image $Watch(unchanged_image)
SetImage Watch_changed_image $Watch(yellow,image)
set noicon Watch_unchanged_image
set newicon Watch_changed_image
if $Watch(nolabel) {
set notext ""
set newtext ""
} else {
set notext Unchanged
set newtext Changed
TKGMakeButton Watch \
-text(unchanged) $notext \
-balloon(unchanged) $notext \
-image(unchanged) $noicon\
-command(unchanged) {Watch_1} \
-foreground(unchanged) $Watch(unchangedforeground) \
-activeforeground(unchanged) $Watch(unchangedforeground) \
-background(unchanged) $Watch(unchangedbackground) \
-text(changed) $newtext \
-balloon(changed) $newtext \
-image(changed) $newicon\
-command(changed) {Watch_1} \
-foreground(changed) $Watch(changedforeground) \
-activeforeground(changed) $Watch(changedforeground) \
-background(changed) $Watch(changedbackground) \
-iconside $Watch(iconside)\
-relief $Watch(relief)\
-ignore $Watch(ignore)\
-font(unchanged) $Watch(font)\
-font(changed) $Watch(font)\
-usebutton2 0\
-staydown(changed) $Watch(staydown)\
-staydown(unchanged) $Watch(staydown)\
-trackwindow(changed) $Watch(trackwindow)\
-trackwindow(unchanged) $Watch(trackwindow)\
-windowname(unchanged) $Watch(windowname)\
-windowname(changed) $Watch(windowname)\
-mode unchanged
bind [set Watch-params(pathname)] <2> WatchIgnore
bind [set Watch-params(pathname)] <3> {Watch_3 %X %Y}
proc WatchFileDeclare {f} {
global Watch Prefs_taborder
set Prefs_taborder(:Clients,Watch,Files,[TKGDecode $f]) \
"General Misc"
TKGDeclare Watch($f,filename) "" \
-typelist [list Clients Watch Files [TKGDecode $f] General] \
-label "File to check (full pathname)"
TKGDeclare Watch($f,update_interval) 60 \
-typelist [list Clients Watch Files [TKGDecode $f] General] \
-label "Check every __ seconds"
TKGDeclare Watch($f,alertlevel) yellow\
-typelist [list Clients Watch Files [TKGDecode $f] General]\
-vartype optionMenu \
-optionlist {white green yellow red}\
-label "Alert level" \
-help "This affects the color of the icon."
TKGDeclare Watch($f,show) 0\
-typelist [list Clients Watch Files [TKGDecode $f] Misc]\
-vartype boolean\
-label "Pop-up viewer when file is changed."
TKGDeclare Watch($f,show_instead) ""\
-typelist [list Clients Watch Files [TKGDecode $f] Misc]\
-label "Unix command to execute instead of using tkgoodstuff's
-help "For instance, you might start another viewer."
TKGDeclare Watch($f,numlines) "200" \
-typelist [list Clients Watch Files [TKGDecode $f] Misc]\
-label "How many lines (maximum) to keep in the lister."
TKGDeclare Watch($f,include) 1 -vartype boolean\
-typelist [list Clients Watch Files [TKGDecode $f] Misc]\
-label "Include this file in the multiple-file viewer."
TKGDeclare Watch($f,changedevent) ""\
-typelist [list Clients Watch Files [TKGDecode $f] Misc]\
-label "Unix command executed each time file has been changed."
TKGDeclare Watch($f,nobeep) 0\
-typelist [list Clients Watch Files [TKGDecode $f] General]\
-vartype boolean\
-label "Don't beep"
proc WatchInit {} {
global Watch
set Watch(show_selbg) white
TKGAddToHook TKG_alldone_hook WatchGetGoing
proc WatchGetGoing {} {
global Watch TKG env
foreach f $Watch(files) {
WatchFileDeclare $f
if {[Empty $Watch($f,filename)]} {
set Watch($f,filename) [TKGDecode $f]
WatchatimeFolderInit $f
set Watch($f,delay) $Watch($f,update_interval)
TKGPeriodic WatchUpdate$f \
$Watch($f,delay) $Watch($f,delay) "WatchUpdate $f"
after 1000 WatchUpdate $f
#Watch "atime" method: assume there's new mail if the file is nonempty and
#hasn't been accessed since last modification.
proc WatchatimeFolderInit {f} {
global Watch
set Watch($f,mtime) 0
set Watch($f,atime) 0
set Watch($f,tailing) 0
set Watch($f,multitailing) 0
proc WatchatimeTest {f} {
global Watch Watch-params
set file $Watch($f,filename)
if [catch {file stat $file a}] {
return 0
} elseif {($a(mtime) == $Watch($f,mtime)) && \
($a(atime) == $Watch($f,atime))} {
return nochange
set Watch($f,mtime) $a(mtime)
set Watch($f,atime) $a(atime)
if {(( $a(size) == 0) || ($a(mtime) < $a(atime)))} {
set return 0
} else {
set return 1
return $return
proc WatchatimeIgnore {f} {
global Watch
set file $Watch($f,filename)
if [catch {file stat $file a}] return
set Watch($f,mtime) $a(mtime)
set Watch($f,atime) $a(atime)
DEBUG "Loaded Watch.tcl"