
205 lines
6.4 KiB
Executable File

proc PrefsWidget-menu {var w} {
global $var TKGVars
set ww $w.widget$var
frame $ww
grid columnconfigure $ww 0 -weight 1
grid rowconfigure $ww 0 -weight 1
HList menu create \
-pathname $ww.hlist\
-data $TKGVars($var,setting)\
-openimagefile(Menu) menu.xpm\
-openimagefile(TKGMenu) menu.xpm\
-openimagefile(Exec) exec.xpm\
-openimagefile(Separator) separator.xpm\
-openimagefile(Tcl) tcl.xpm\
-openimagefile(Run) run.xpm\
-allowedchildren [list Menu *]\
-width 50\
-double1 PrefsMenuProps\
-emptycommand PrefsMenuIns\
-menu3 {
Properties PrefsMenuProps
} {
Insert PrefsMenuIns
} {
Delete PrefsMenuDel
scrollbar $ww.yscroll -command "$ww.hlist yview"
scrollbar $ww.xscroll -orient horizontal -command "$ww.hlist xview"
$ww.hlist configure -yscrollcommand "$ww.yscroll set"\
-xscrollcommand "$ww.xscroll set"
grid $ww.hlist $ww.yscroll -sticky nsew
grid $ww.xscroll -sticky nsew
TKGAddToHook Prefs_updatehook \
"set TKGVars($var,setting) \[set menu-hlparams(data)\]"
proc PrefsMenuProps {} {
upvar \#0 menu-hlparams P
set ped [lindex [HListGetSelectedPeds menu] 0]
set joinped [join $ped -]
set item [HListGetItem menu $ped]
set type [lindex $item 0]
set P(mcpropsname) [lindex $item 1]
set P(mcpropscommand) [lindex [lindex $item 2] \
[expr [lsearch [lindex $item 2] -command] + 1]]
switch -regexp $type {
^Menu$|Separator|Run|TKGMenu {
} Exec {
set P(mcpropstype) "Execute"
} Tcl {
set P(mcpropstype) "Tcl Command"
TKGDialog mcprops -title "Menu Item Properties: $P(mcpropstype)"\
-wmtitle "Menu Item Properties: $P(mcpropstype)"\
-buttons {
{ok "OK" PrefsMenuDoProps}
{help "Help" PrefsMenuPropsHelp}
{cancel "Cancel" {destroy .mcprops}}
grid [frame .mcprops.w] -row 2 -column 0 -sticky nsew
grid columnconfigure .mcprops.w 1 -weight 1
grid [label .mcprops.w.l2 -text "Label:"] -row 1 -column 0 -sticky w
setifunset P(mcpropsba) before
grid [entry .mcprops.w.e2 -textvariable menu-hlparams(mcpropsname) -width 40] \
-row 1 -column 1 -sticky we
grid [label .mcprops.w.l4 -text "Command:"] -row 3 -column 0 -sticky w
grid [entry .mcprops.w.e4 -textvariable menu-hlparams(mcpropscommand)\
-xscrollcommand ".mcprops.w.s4 set"] \
-row 3 -column 1 -sticky we
grid [scrollbar .mcprops.w.s4 -command ".mcprops.w.e4 xview" \
-orient horizontal -width 8] -row 4 -column 1 -sticky we
set P(mcpropsped) $ped
TKGCenter .mcprops
proc PrefsMenuDoProps {} {
upvar \#0 menu-hlparams P
set type $P(mcpropstype)
if [string match $type "Execute"] {set type Exec}
if [string match $type "Tcl Command"] {set type Tcl}
set name [string trim $P(mcpropsname)]
set item [list $type $name [list -command $P(mcpropscommand)]]
set ped [lindex [HListGetSelectedPeds menu] 0]
HList menu delete $ped
HList menu insert $ped $item
catch {destroy .mcprops}
proc PrefsMenuPropsHelp {} {
TKGDialog mcpropshelp -title Help -wmtitle "Preferences Help"\
-message "If the command is blank, the label will be used
as the command.
The string \"@selection@\" in a command will be replaced with
the current X selection when the command is executed.
proc PrefsMenuIns {} {
global menu-hlparams
upvar \#0 menu-hlparams P
set ped [lindex [HListGetSelectedPeds menu] 0]
if [Empty $ped] {set ped 0}
TKGDialog mcins -title "Preferences: Menu: Insert"\
-wmtitle "Preferences: Menu: Insert"\
-buttons {
{ok "OK" PrefsMenuDoInsert}
{help "Help" PrefsMenuInsertHelp}
{cancel "Cancel" {destroy .mcins}}
grab .mcins
grid [frame .mcins.w] -row 2 -column 0 -sticky nsew
grid columnconfigure .mcins.w 1 -weight 1
grid [label .mcins.w.l1 -text "Insert:"] -row 0 -column 0 -sticky w
setifunset P(mcinstype) Execute
tk_optionMenu .mcins.w.om1 menu-hlparams(mcinstype) \
Execute Menu "Tcl Command" Separator "tkgoodstuff Menu" "Run . . ."
grid .mcins.w.om1 -row 0 -column 1 -sticky w
grid [label .mcins.w.l2 -text "Label:"] -row 1 -column 0 -sticky w
set i 0
while {[set P(mcinsname) Item$i;\
string first $P(mcinsname) $P(data)] != -1} {incr i}
grid [entry .mcins.w.e2 -textvariable menu-hlparams(mcinsname)] \
-row 1 -column 1 -sticky we
grid [label .mcins.w.l4 -text "Command:"] -row 3 -column 0 -sticky w
grid [entry .mcins.w.e4 -textvariable menu-hlparams(mcinscommand)\
-xscrollcommand ".mcins.w.s4 set"] \
-row 3 -column 1 -sticky we
grid [scrollbar .mcins.w.s4 -command ".mcins.w.e4 xview" \
-orient horizontal -width 8] -row 4 -column 1 -sticky we
bind .mcins.w.e2 <Key-Return> {
.mcins.buttons.ok flash
.mcins.buttons.ok invoke
set P(mcinsped) $ped
TKGCenter .mcins
proc PrefsMenuInsertHelp {} {
TKGDialog mcinshelp -title Help -wmtitle "Preferences Help"\
-message "The label is ignored for Separators, the \"Run . . .\"
command, and the tkgoodstuff Menu.
The command is ignored for all execept Execute items
(which call for a unix command), and Tcl Command items.
The \"within\" option is for putting a new item within a sub-menu.
proc PrefsMenuDoInsert {} {
upvar \#0 menu-hlparams P
set type $P(mcinstype)
if [string match $type "Run . . ."] {set type Run}
if [string match $type "Execute"] {set type Exec}
if [string match $type "Tcl Command"] {set type Tcl}
if [string match $type "tkgoodstuff Menu"] {set type TKGMenu}
set name [string trim $P(mcinsname)]
switch -regexp -- $type {
Exec|Tcl {
set item [list $type $name [list -command $P(mcinscommand)]]
} Run {
set item [list $type "Run . . ."]
} Separator {
set item [list $type "-------"]
} TKGMenu {
set item [list $type "tkgoodstuff Menu"]
} ^Menu$ {
set item [list Menu $name {} {}]
set ped [lindex [HListGetSelectedPeds menu] 0]
if [Empty $ped] {
set ped 0
} else {
switch $P(relation) {
after {
set ped [lreplace $ped end end [expr [lindex $ped end] + 1]]
} within {
set parent [HListGetItem menu $ped]
if [string match [lindex $parent 0] Menu] {
lappend ped 0
HList menu insert $ped $item
catch {destroy .mcins}
proc PrefsMenuDel {} {
upvar \#0 menu-hlparams P
set ped [lindex [HListGetSelectedPeds menu] 0]
HList menu delete $ped