
107 lines
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# Building and updating an IPFS Cluster
### Step 0: Run your first cluster node
This step creates a single-node IPFS Cluster.
First initialize the configuration (see [the Cluster secret section of the `ipfs-cluster-service` README](ipfs-cluster-service/dist/README.md#cluster-secret) for more info on entering a cluster secret):
node0 $ ipfs-cluster-service init
Enter cluster secret (to automatically generate, rerun with --gen-secret): <enter-your-secret>
ipfs-cluster-service configuration written to /home/user/.ipfs-cluster/service.json
Then run cluster:
node0> ipfs-cluster-service
13:33:34.044 INFO cluster: IPFS Cluster v0.0.1 listening on: cluster.go:59
13:33:34.044 INFO cluster: /ip4/ cluster.go:61
13:33:34.044 INFO cluster: /ip4/ cluster.go:61
13:33:34.044 INFO cluster: starting Consensus and waiting for a leader... consensus.go:163
13:33:34.047 INFO cluster: PinTracker ready map_pin_tracker.go:71
13:33:34.047 INFO cluster: waiting for leader raft.go:118
13:33:34.047 INFO cluster: REST API: /ip4/ rest_api.go:309
13:33:34.047 INFO cluster: IPFS Proxy: /ip4/ -> /ip4/ ipfs_http_connector.go:168
13:33:35.420 INFO cluster: Raft Leader elected: QmQHKLBXfS7hf8o2acj7FGADoJDLat3UazucbHrgxqisim raft.go:145
13:33:35.921 INFO cluster: Consensus state is up to date consensus.go:214
13:33:35.921 INFO cluster: IPFS Cluster is ready cluster.go:191
13:33:35.921 INFO cluster: Cluster Peers (not including ourselves): cluster.go:192
13:33:35.921 INFO cluster: - No other peers cluster.go:195
### Step 1: Add new members to the cluster
Initialize and run cluster in a different node(s):
node1> ipfs-cluster-service init
ipfs-cluster-service configuration written to /home/user/.ipfs-cluster/service.json
node1> ipfs-cluster-service
13:36:19.313 INFO cluster: IPFS Cluster v0.0.1 listening on: cluster.go:59
13:36:19.313 INFO cluster: /ip4/ cluster.go:61
13:36:19.313 INFO cluster: /ip4/ cluster.go:61
13:36:19.313 INFO cluster: starting Consensus and waiting for a leader... consensus.go:163
13:36:19.316 INFO cluster: REST API: /ip4/ rest_api.go:309
13:36:19.316 INFO cluster: IPFS Proxy: /ip4/ -> /ip4/ ipfs_http_connector.go:168
13:36:19.316 INFO cluster: waiting for leader raft.go:118
13:36:19.316 INFO cluster: PinTracker ready map_pin_tracker.go:71
13:36:20.834 INFO cluster: Raft Leader elected: QmU7JJftGsP1zM8H37XwvfA7dwdepsB7xVnJA6sKpozc85 raft.go:145
13:36:21.334 INFO cluster: Consensus state is up to date consensus.go:214
13:36:21.334 INFO cluster: IPFS Cluster is ready cluster.go:191
13:36:21.334 INFO cluster: Cluster Peers (not including ourselves): cluster.go:192
13:36:21.334 INFO cluster: - No other peers cluster.go:195
Add them to the original cluster with `ipfs-cluster-ctl peers add <multiaddr>`. The command will return the ID information of the newly added member:
node0> ipfs-cluster-ctl peers add /ip4/
"id": "QmU7JJftGsP1zM8H37XwvfA7dwdepsB7xVnJA6sKpozc85",
"public_key": "CAASpgIwggEiMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4IBDwAwggEKAoIBAQDtjpvI+XKVGT5toXTimtWceONYsf/1bbRMxLt/fCSYJoSeJqj0HUtttCD3dcBv1M2rElIMXDhyLUpkET+AN6otr9lQnbgi0ZaKrtzphR0w6g/0EQZZaxI2scxF4NcwkwUfe5ceEmPFwax1+C00nd2BF+YEEp+VHNyWgXhCxncOGO74p0YdXBrvXkyfTiy/567L3PPX9F9x+HiutBL39CWhx9INmtvdPB2HwshodF6QbfeljdAYCekgIrCQC8mXOVeePmlWgTwoge9yQbuViZwPiKwwo1AplANXFmSv8gagfjKL7Kc0YOqcHwxBsoUskbJjfheDZJzl19iDs9EvUGk5AgMBAAE=",
"addresses": [
"cluster_peers": [
"version": "0.0.1",
"commit": "83baa5c859b9b17b2deec4f782d1210590025c80",
"rpc_protocol_version": "/ipfscluster/0.0.1/rpc",
"ipfs": {
"id": "QmXZrtE5jQwXNqCJMfHUTQkvhQ4ZAnqMnmzFMJfLewur2n",
"addresses": [
You can repeat the process with any other nodes.
### Step 2: Remove no longer needed nodes
You can use `ipfs-cluster-ctl peers rm <multiaddr>` to remove and disconnect any nodes from your cluster. The nodes will be automatically
shutdown. They can be restarted manually and re-added to the Cluster any time:
node0> ipfs-cluster-ctl peers rm QmbGFbZVTF3UAEPK9pBVdwHGdDAYkHYufQwSh4k1i8bbbb
Request succeeded
The `node1` is then disconnected and shuts down:
13:42:50.828 WARNI cluster: this peer has been removed from the Cluster and will shutdown itself in 5 seconds peer_manager.go:48
13:42:51.828 INFO cluster: stopping Consensus component consensus.go:257
13:42:55.836 INFO cluster: shutting down IPFS Cluster cluster.go:235
13:42:55.836 INFO cluster: Saving configuration config.go:283
13:42:55.837 INFO cluster: stopping Cluster API rest_api.go:327
13:42:55.837 INFO cluster: stopping IPFS Proxy ipfs_http_connector.go:332
13:42:55.837 INFO cluster: stopping MapPinTracker map_pin_tracker.go:87