Hector Sanjuan b558b50608 Changelog for 0.6.0
License: MIT
Signed-off-by: Hector Sanjuan <code@hector.link>
2018-10-03 10:57:56 +02:00

39 KiB

IPFS Cluster Changelog

v0.6.0 - 2018-10-03


IPFS version 0.6.0 is a new minor release of IPFS Cluster.

We have increased the minor release number to signal changes to the Go APIs after upgrading to the new cid package, but, other than that, this release does not include any major changes.

It brings a number of small fixes and features of which we can highlight two useful ones:

  • the first is the support for multiple cluster daemon versions in the same cluster, as long as they share the same major/minor release. That means, all releases in the 0.6 series (0.6.0, 0.6.1 and so on...) will be able to speak among each others, allowing partial cluster upgrades.
  • the second is the inclusion of a PeerName key in the status (PinInfo) objects. ipfs-cluster-status will now show peer names instead of peer IDs, making it easy to identify the status for each peer.

Many thanks to all the contributors to this release: @lanzafame, @meiqimichelle, @kishansagathiya, @cannium, @jglukasik and @mike-ngu.

List of changes


Upgrading notices

Configuration changes

There are no changes to the configuration file on this release.


There are no changes to the REST API.


We have upgraded to the new version of the cid package. This means all *cid.Cid arguments are now cid.Cid.


We are now using go-1.11 to build and test cluster. We recommend using this version as well when building from source.

v0.5.0 - 2018-08-23


IPFS Cluster version 0.5.0 is a minor release which includes a major feature: adding content to IPFS directly through Cluster.

This functionality is provided by ipfs-cluster-ctl add and by the API endpoint /add. The upload format (multipart) is similar to the IPFS /add endpoint, as well as the options (chunker, layout...). Cluster add generates the same DAG as ipfs add would, but it sends the added blocks directly to their allocations, pinning them on completion. The pin happens very quickly, as content is already locally available in the allocated peers.

The release also includes most of the needed code for the Sharding feature, but it is not yet usable/enabled, pending features from go-ipfs.

The 0.5.0 release additionally includes a new experimental PinTracker implementation: the stateless pin tracker. The stateless pin tracker relies on the IPFS pinset and the cluster state to keep track of pins, rather than keeping an in-memory copy of the cluster pinset, thus reducing the memory usage when having huge pinsets. It can be enabled with ipfs-cluster-service daemon --pintracker stateless.

The last major feature is the use of a DHT as routing layer for cluster peers. This means that peers should be able to discover each others as long as they are connected to one cluster peer. This simplifies the setup requirements for starting a cluster and helps avoiding situations which make the cluster unhealthy.

This release requires a state upgrade migration. It can be performed with ipfs-cluster-service state upgrade or simply launching the daemon with ipfs-cluster-service daemon --upgrade.

List of changes


Upgrading notices

Configuration files

IMPORTANT: 0s is the new default for the read_timeout and write_timeout values in the restapi configuration section, as well as proxy_read_timeout and proxy_write_timeout options in the ipfshttp section. Adding files to cluster (via the REST api or the proxy) is likely to timeout otherwise.

The peerstore file (in the configuration folder), no longer requires listing the multiaddresses for all cluster peers when initializing the cluster with a fixed peerset. It only requires the multiaddresses for one other cluster peer. The rest will be inferred using the DHT. The peerstore file is updated only on clean shutdown, and will store all known multiaddresses, even if not pertaining to cluster peers.

The new stateless PinTracker implementation uses a new configuration subsection in the pin_tracker key. This is only generated with ipfs-cluster-service init. When not present, a default configuration will be used (and a warning printed).

The state_sync_interval default has been increased to 10 minutes, as frequent syncing is not needed with the improvements in the PinTracker. Users are welcome to update this setting.


The /add endpoint has been added. The replication_factor_min and replication_factor_max options (in POST allocations/<cid>) have been deprecated and subsititued for replication-min and replication-max, although backwards comaptibility is kept.

Keep Alive has been disabled for the HTTP servers, as a bug in Go's HTTP client implementation may result adding corrupted content (and getting corrupted DAGs). However, while the libp2p API endpoint also suffers this, it will only close libp2p streams. Thus the performance impact on the libp2p-http endpoint should be minimal.


The Config.PeerAddr key in the rest/client module is deprecated. APIAddr should be used for both HTTP and LibP2P API endpoints. The type of address is automatically detected.

The IPFSConnector Pin call now receives an integer instead of a Recursive flag. It indicates the maximum depth to which something should be pinned. The only supported value is -1 (meaning recursive). BlockGet and BlockPut calls have been added to the IPFSConnector component.


As noted above, upgrade to state format version 5 is needed before starting the cluster service.

v0.4.0 - 2018-05-30


The IPFS Cluster version 0.4.0 includes breaking changes and a considerable number of new features causing them. The documentation (particularly that affecting the configuration and startup of peers) has been updated accordingly in https://cluster.ipfs.io . Be sure to also read it if you are upgrading.

There are four main developments in this release:

  • Refactorings around the consensus component, removing dependencies to the main component and allowing separate initialization: this has prompted to re-approach how we handle the peerset, the peer addresses and the peer's startup when using bootstrap. We have gained finer control of Raft, which has allowed us to provide a clearer configuration and a better start up procedure, specially when bootstrapping. The configuration file no longer mutates while cluster is running.
  • Improvements to the pintracker: our pin tracker is now able to cancel ongoing pins when receiving an unpin request for the same CID, and vice-versa. It will also optimize multiple pin requests (by only queuing and triggering them once) and can now report whether an item is pinning (a request to ipfs is ongoing) vs. pin-queued (waiting for a worker to perform the request to ipfs).
  • Broadcasting of monitoring metrics using PubSub: we have added a new monitor implementation that uses PubSub (rather than RPC broadcasting). With the upcoming improvements to PubSub this means that we can do efficient broadcasting of metrics while at the same time not requiring peers to have RPC permissions, which is preparing the ground for collaborative clusters.
  • We have launched the IPFS Cluster website: https://cluster.ipfs.io . We moved most of the documentation over there, expanded it and updated it.

List of changes


Upgrading notices

Configuration file

This release introduces breaking changes to the configuration file. An error will be displayed if ipfs-cluster-service is started with an old configuration file. We recommend re-initing the configuration file altogether.

  • The peers and bootstrap keys have been removed from the main section of the configuration
  • You might need to provide Peer multiaddresses in a text file named peerstore, in your ~/.ipfs-cluster folder (one per line). This allows your peers how to contact other peers.
  • A disable_repinning option has been added to the main configuration section. Defaults to false.
  • A init_peerset has been added to the raft configuration section. It should be used to define the starting set of peers when a cluster starts for the first time and is not bootstrapping to an existing running peer (otherwise it is ignored). The value is an array of peer IDs.
  • A backups_rotate option has been added to the raft section and specifies how many copies of the Raft state to keep as backups when the state is cleaned up.
  • An ipfs_request_timeout option has been introduced to the ipfshttp configuration section, and controls the timeout of general requests to the ipfs daemon. Defaults to 5 minutes.
  • A pin_timeout option has been introduced to the ipfshttp section, it controls the timeout for Pin requests to ipfs. Defaults to 24 hours.
  • An unpin_timeout option has been introduced to the ipfshttp section. it controls the timeout for Unpin requests to ipfs. Defaults to 3h.
  • Both pinning_timeout and unpinning_timeout options have been removed from the maptracker section.
  • A monitor/pubsubmon section configures the new PubSub monitoring component. The section is identical to the existing monbasic, its only option being check_interval (defaults to 15 seconds).

The ipfs-cluster-data folder has been renamed to raft. Upon ipfs-cluster-service daemon start, the renaming will happen automatically if it exists. Otherwise it will be created with the new name.


There are no changes to REST APIs in this release.


Several component APIs have changed: Consensus, PeerMonitor and IPFSConnector have added new methods or changed methods signatures.


Calling ipfs-cluster-service without subcommands no longer runs the peer. It is necessary to call ipfs-cluster-service daemon. Several daemon-specific flags have been made subcommand flags: --bootstrap and --alloc.

The --bootstrap flag can now take a list of comma-separated multiaddresses. Using --bootstrap will automatically run state clean.

The ipfs-cluster-ctl no longer has a peers add subcommand. Peers should not be added this way, but rather bootstrapped to an existing running peer.

v0.3.5 - 2018-03-29

This release comes full with new features. The biggest ones are the support for parallel pinning (using refs -r rather than pin add to pin things in IPFS), and the exposing of the http endpoints through libp2p. This allows users to securely interact with the HTTP API without having to setup SSL certificates.

There are no breaking API changes and all configurations should be backwards compatible. The api/rest/client provides a new IPFS() method.

We recommend updating the service.json configurations to include all the new configuration options:

  • The pin_method option has been added to the ipfshttp section. It supports refs and pin (default) values. Use refs for parallel pinning, but only if you don't run automatic GC on your ipfs nodes.
  • The concurrent_pins option has been added to the maptracker section. Only useful with refs option in pin_method.
  • The listen_multiaddress option in the restapi section should be renamed to http_listen_multiaddress.

This release will require a state upgrade. Run ipfs-cluster-service state upgrade in all your peers, or start cluster with ipfs-cluster-service daemon --upgrade.

v0.3.4 - 2018-02-20

This release fixes the pre-built binaries.

v0.3.3 - 2018-02-12

This release includes additional ipfs-cluster-service state subcommands and the connectivity graph feature.

APIs have not changed in this release. The /health/graph endpoint has been added.

v0.3.2 - 2018-01-25

This release includes a number of bufixes regarding the upgrade and import of state, along with two important features:

These release is compatible with previous versions of ipfs-cluster on the API level, with the exception of the ipfs-cluster-service version command, which returns x.x.x-shortcommit rather than ipfs-cluster-service version 0.3.1. The former output is still available as ipfs-cluster-service --version.

The replication_factor option is deprecated, but still supported and will serve as a shortcut to set both replication_factor_min and replication_factor_max to the same value. This affects the configuration file, the REST API and the ipfs-cluster-ctl pin add command.

v0.3.1 - 2017-12-11

This release includes changes around the consensus state management, so that upgrades can be performed when the internal format changes. It also comes with several features and changes to support a live deployment and integration with IPFS pin-bot, including a REST API client for Go.

This release should stay backwards compatible with the previous one. Nevertheless, some REST API endpoints take the local flag, and matching new Go public functions have been added (RecoverAllLocal, SyncAllLocal...).

v0.3.0 - 2017-11-15

This release introduces Raft 1.0.0 and incorporates deep changes to the management of the cluster peerset.


This releases introduces some changes affecting the configuration file and some breaking changes affecting go and the REST APIs:

  • The consensus.raft section of the configuration has new options but should be backwards compatible.
  • The Consensus component interface has changed, LogAddPeer and LogRmPeer have been replaced by AddPeer and RmPeer. It additionally provides Clean and Peers methods. The consensus/raft implementation has been updated accordingly.
  • The api.ID (used in REST API among others) object key ClusterPeers key is now a list of peer IDs, and not a list of multiaddresses as before. The object includes a new key ClusterPeersAddresses which includes the multiaddresses.
  • Note that --bootstrap and --leave flags when calling ipfs-cluster-service will be stored permanently in the configuration (see ipfs/ipfs-cluster#235).

v0.2.1 - 2017-10-26

This is a maintenance release with some important bugfixes.

The fix for 32-bit architectures has required a change in the IPFSConnector interface (FreeSpace() and Reposize() return uint64 now). The current implementation by the ipfshttp module has changed accordingly.

v0.2.0 - 2017-10-23

This release introduces some breaking changes affecting configuration files and go integrations:

  • Config: The old configuration format is no longer valid and cluster will fail to start from it. Configuration file needs to be re-initialized with ipfs-cluster-service init.
  • Go: The restapi component has been renamed to rest and some of its public methods have been renamed.
  • Go: Initializers (New<Component>(...)) for most components have changed to accept a Config object. Some initializers have been removed.

Note, when adding changelog entries, write links to issues as @<issuenumber> and then replace them with links with the following command:

sed -i -r 's/@([0-9]+)/[ipfs\/ipfs-cluster#\1](https:\/\/github.com\/ipfs\/ipfs-cluster\/issues\/\1)/g' CHANGELOG.md